Teachers, leaders, and community members, given necessary support and conditions, have the capacity to solve the problems of inequity in their schools.
For Teachers : Our activities will include building the will, skill, capacity and emotional support for teachers to provide powerful and effective teaching and learning, and ensure equitable achievement by…
Providing student achievement-centered coaching for teachers focused on best pedagogical practices and meaningful curriculum development.
Providing explicit coaching for teachers to develop as Advisors
Developing conditions to foster the deep conversations and professional relationships needed to surface individual values and beliefs in order to address issues of equity.
Collecting and providing up-to-date action-research.
Establishing conditions to foster a culture of inquiry, and offer opportunities for teachers to collaborate, develop critical friendships and engage in regular data based, teacher research around their own work and student results to inform their practice and improvements.
For Leaders : our activities will include building the will, skill, capacity and emotional support for developing explicit, shared and leveraged instructional leadership within our schools by…
Coaching positional leaders to make transparent and to leverage their own leadership.
Developing Coach Consultant relationships that offer critical friendship and collaboration.
Providing direct instruction and opportunities to share best practices in the high leverage areas of school design, leadership, community connections and teaching and learning.
Organizing opportunities for instructional leaders to meet as critical friends including the space for emotional release and support and the structure to develop their own practices.
Engaging leaders in individual inquiry, research and learning around the necessary conditions to improve teaching an learning in their own schools.
Helping leaders understand the role that racism, classism, segregation, inadequate funding and other practices have played in how we currently educate students, and helping leaders look honestly at how their own oppression and privilege influences their own roles.
Coaching school leaders to develop visions to lead for equity and achievement.
For School and Community Ambassadors: Our activities will include building the will, skill, capacity and emotional support for developing explicit, shared and leveraged instructional leadership throughout our network by…
Providing outreach, training, support and opportunities for student, teacher and parent leaders to fine tune, codify and share best practices to develop and sustain small, equitable and high performing schools, and
Networking, organizing and ensuring opportunities for school communities to come together to share and learn best practices.
For Schools: Our activities will include building the will, skill, capacity and emotional support for schools to provide thoughtful school design and professional development and develop caring community connections for additional student support by…
Supporting schools to create the conditions and core systems necessary to be a learning community that values personalization, equity and achievement (i.e. scheduling, programs, supervision).
Developing Advisory programs with explicit curriculum.
Supporting schools to design and deliver formal, equity-focused and student-centered professional development that models best practices for the classroom.
Systemically using equity and achievement data to inform practice and improvement.