Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, and you will be filled with joy. – Buddha
Current events in the U.S. demonstrate the urgent need to address socio-political issues related to race and equity; SF-CESS facilitates and trains educators to engage in this courageous discourse. Our mission is “to interrupt and transform current and systemic educational inequities to ensure all students have access to personalized, equitable and high performing schools that believe and demonstrate each student can, should and will succeed.”

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before beginning to improve the world. – Anne Frank
Please consider a tax-deductible donation of any amount to support SF-CESS to achieve its mission in its work to help schools, districts and communities develop allies, leaders and programs to identify, interrupt and transform the inequities experienced by our least-reached students and families. Your donation specifically helps…
Students – SF-CESS runs afterschool programs for three high schools, developing student leaders and training students to observe teachers and provide culturally relevant feedback.
- $50 will provide healthy snacks for youth leaders critically examining school data.
- $1,000 will provide a scholarship for a deserving graduate’s post-graduation plans.
Teachers – SF-CESS awards scholarships for teachers to attend equity-centered professional development focused on improving their practice and student results.
- $100 provide 10 decks of equity discussion cards to educators for use with each other and students.
- $250 will provide supplies for a team of educators to meet monthly to critically examine their practice.
- $1,250 will provide a teacher scholarship to SF-CESS’ acclaimed equity-based facilitator training (iGroup). Schools, Districts and Families – SF-CESS provides systemic support to best support excellence and equity – especially in relation to race – for its traditionally least-reached students.
- $10,000 will provide 10 days of support to a school working to interrupt inequities faced by its students.
Communities – SF-CESS hosts at least one community-networking event each year focused on a current social issue or need.
- $500 sponsors a school visit to a local community school to share promising practices.
- $20,000 sponsors an evening of networking and sharing for hundreds of SF-Bay Area educators.
I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. – Maya Angelou
Additional Ways To Support SF-CESS
Amazon Smile: For all of you who shop at Amazon, with a few clicks (really, less than two minutes) you can sign up for Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate 1% of all your purchases to SF-CESS – at NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!
Donate your saleable goods to Community Thrift San Francisco and reference SF-CESS (partner #167) when you make your donation. Besides getting your own tax deduction, all profits raised from the sale of your donated items go to SF-CESS. See guidelines here.
Buy Wine (for yourself or as a gift) from DoGood Vines who then gives a donation to SF-CESS when you identify us with your purchase or subscription.
Donate items for and/or attend SF-CESS’ Annual Silent Auction (February/March each year)! To donate, contact us here.
As always, like us on Facebook, and follow and tag us on Twitter, #SFCESS
You’re happiest while you’re making the greatest contribution. – Robert F. Kennedy